[A Jigger!]


If you're a home bartender, the Sidecar is the one to practice on, because if you can master its exacting proportions, mixing other Paul says, you've got to measure with your heart, but knowing the terminology doesn't hurt either.

International Bar Measures
1/4 ounce equals 0.7 cl
1/2 ounce equals 1.4 cl
1 ounce or pony equals 2.8 cl
2 ounces equals 5.6 cl
1 tablespoon equals 1/2 ounce, or 1.4 cl
1 jigger equals 1 1/2 ounces, or 4.2 cl

A jigger, the only measuring device you'll really need, is about 1 1/2 ounces. It's the contraption that looks a little top heavy; it's what makes measuring "parts" a cinch. Just remember, the bigger end is twice as big as the other end.

A dash probably isn't what you think: 1/8th of a teaspoon, we remember it as the littlest amount of liquid that you can pour.

Although we prefer to measure in parts, we've listed our drink ingredients in ounces. (Until you develop a knack for measuring and an eye for an ounce, stick to the tools of the trade.) Our recipes are for 4-ounce cocktails served in 6-ounce glasses.

When measuring, always pour a little out, so people think you know what you're doing.


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