Girl Drinks

Don't blame us for the term. We've never liked its implications. Historically, poor-quality bathtub liqueurs from the era of Prohibition led to the creation of these drinks - sickly sweet concoctions that completely mask the taste of liquor. Girl drinks are the gourmet jellybeans of the cocktail world. With these mixed drinks, you can essentially order a shot of Oreo cookie.

Although liquor production has improved over the years, girl drinks have never fallen from fashion. During the late '60s and the '70s, these drinks experienced a resurgence that thankfully died out earlier this decade. Of course, with the popularity of TGI Fridays, we're not counting our lucky stars yet.

Today, both men and women order girl drinks with the false hope of catching a cheap buzz. Any decent bartender can tell you that these drinks will only ensure a whopper of a hangover and a potential milkshake mustache.


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