Orange Bitters

For as many classics as call for this bitter, we're amazed it's not more available. Even the original Martini is mixed with it. We hear tales that orange bitters is still made by gin distillers, but try as we might, we have yet to find a bottle. To compensate, we follow the recipe of Charles H. Baker, though make a point to use only Seville oranges:

1/2 pound dried orange peel, chopped finely
4 tablespoons burnt sugar
2 cups grain alcohol
Pinch of cardamom
Pinch of caraway
Pinch of coriander seeds

First chop the orange peel very fine, add herb seeds and pour on alcohol; then let stand in a sealed jar for 15 days, agitating every day. Pour off spirits through a cloth, and seal again. Take the seeds and peel, put them in a saucepan, crushing with a wooden muddler. Cover them with boiling water, simmer 5 minutes; put in a covered jar for 2 days, then strain this off and add to the spirits. Put in burnt sugar for color. Filter again, let stand until it settles perfectly clear, then bottle for use - being careful not to agitate the slight precipitation or sediment during this final operation.


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