
A caraway-flavored liqueur that comes in a variety of brands, kümmel has been around for years. Some - mostly the Dutch - claim that the first kümmel was distilled in Holland during the late 16th century by Erven Lucas Bols. Still known as Bolskümmel, this fine liqueur was reported (at least according to the Esquire Drink Book of 1956) to have been so tasty that a Russian czar took the recipe back to his native land, eventually making Russia the principal producer and consumer of kümmel.

Chances are, however, you'll want to skip these kümmels, which are said to be enjoyed only by those living in sub-zero climates, and opt for the smoother Gilka Kümmel, the accepted standard of kümmel quality for the past century. Although this Berlin-made kümmel has essentially the same ingredients as its Russian counterpart - spicy, strong-smelling seeds from the herb caraway - it goes through a longer distillation process for a smoother taste.


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