Ernest Hemingway

Read carefully, because this is all the Hemingway you're going to get in Cocktail if we can help it. Yes, he was a notorious drinker, and, yes, he's left us with 101 great quotes about cocktails. But the Bike Society of America has already claimed him as its patron saint.

Of course we give him full credit as the inspiration for the Hemingway Daiquiri and Papa Dobles (a double-lime Slurpee) - accomplishments for which we're eternally grateful.

Hemingway, with his liver (which resembled a map of Cuba), seems to have traversed many a bar. Personally, we don't think he was all that selective. After all, just as many roadside rest stops claim to have serviced Elvis.

Hemingway has often been misquoted and hijacked by the rookie bon vivant. His anecdotes and quotes have become lore to people whose poetic licenses should be revoked. As Gertrude Stein once said, "A lush is a lush is a lush."


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